Heated caps for your hair routine-nadelaparis.com

The heated hat

Our heating cap is a hair accessory that accompanies you in your hair routine.
This accessory will help you carry out your routine in the best possible way. It is suitable for everyone
hair types whatever the volume of your hair. In addition, this hat will be more suitable for
people who have low and medium porosity (normal porosity) because it will guarantee ease of
the insertion of products into your hair fiber without damaging them.
How do we know if our porosity is low or normal?

To do this, the porosity test must be carried out. Take a glass of warm water and a clean hair on your brush.
Place your hair in the glass of water and let it sit. If you see that your hair remains on the surface of
your glass of water this means that you have low porosity and if your hair remains in the middle of the glass
of water this means that you have normal porosity.
The low and normal porosity can be explained by the hair scales which are very little open (low
porosity) and moderately open (normal porosity). When the scales are not fully open
the products you incorporate into your hair do not reach the hair fiber. So a hat
heating will allow the penetration of the treatments without altering your hair.

PS: For people who have normal porosity, the heated cap is optional but strongly recommended.
advise to guarantee the effectiveness of the treatment in your hair.

After telling you this if you notice that you have low or medium porosity. I invite you
greatly benefit from using the heating cap which will help reinforce the action of the treatment.

How does the heated cap work?
The heating cap should preferably be applied after your mask, which you leave on for 30 minutes.
It is heated in the microwave, you heat for 2 minutes. Then you put it on your hair.
You can also use it when you make an oil bath. This works too.

Now you know everything about our heated hat. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us
on our social networks we will be happy to help you.

This entry was posted by Société Madebysheila.fr in BLOG 
